Hailing from the heartland of the Midwest, the family farmers of US Wellness Meats (Grassland Beef) supply all the Grass-fed/Grass-finished Beef and Heritage Acres Pork that you have come to enjoy from your Chefs here at Pre-Made Paleo.
These pioneering farm families raise your animals on lush grassland the same way our great-grandparents did more than 100 years ago. The result is the healthiest, best tasting meat on the planet. Learn more about your farmers and meet the families here.
Like all of our suppliers, we continue to nurture long-lasting personal relationships with your farmers and their families. We don't just do this via telephone or email ---- We go and we visit each farm, get to really know your farmers and their mission. You may rest assured that if it is being presented to you by Pre-Made Paleo, it is the finest in the land. A special thanks to US Wellness Meats for being the finest purveyors of beef and pork and the most gracious of hosts.
On our most recent visit to US Wellness Meats last month, Chef Richard captured some images at the Wood family farm, founders of US Wellness Meats.
All the families of US Wellness are salt of the earth, true visionaries and among the nicest people you could hope to meet :) Thank you for stopping by!
NO GRAINS from start to finish - Just the Good Stuff! This is John Wood pictured here, and he is the salt of the earth.
Thank you Mr. Farmer! I did not even have to walk to forage today :)
I am really #1 !
We are in here for a community meal. We can go outside any time we want!
"I see you see me, Chef Richard!"
See more here on your US Wellness Meats Heritage Acres pork: http://blog.grasslandbeef.com/bid/87109/US-Wellness-Pork-II